The first official day

Totally forgot about taking the camera for a picture of breakfast but I assure you it was very good. Here’s a picture of lunch. Looks like stir-fried chillies! Some may say it tastes like it too :).

The opening ceremony started at 10am in the yoga hall. There are 15 girls and one guy. We were given a pile that included books, other stationary, beads for Japa meditation, a scarf, t-shirts and a neat bag to throw it all in.

First official meeting in the yoga practice hall.

We toured the grounds, which included the house of Adi Shankara, a very famous Indian philosopher. Here are some pics. I like the well!

House of Adi Shankara!




The well.


The bell.


We got a briefing and I’m already excited! Must take a picture when and if I manage to snort a string from nose to throat…eeeewww! There wasn’t much asanas today but the few poses felt good after sitting on the floor for hours. Here’s my schedule.


If you have any questions, let me know. Until next time…






10 Replies to “The first official day”

  1. Surprisingly, there was none. When I got to the hotel at 10am, I crashed until 1pm and walked for miles in the sun…like a crazy tourist. Since then everything has been fine.

  2. hi, hope u enjoy your experiences,the place looks like monaestry….. is the first pic a bell??? I like the well and the food looks yummy!!! enjoy every moment :)Liliana

  3. It's a research center and there are sannyasin monks walking around so it does have that monastery feel. 🙂 One monk is quite sociable…chatty really but full of very interesting discussions.

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